Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
April Saturday 1 Three Counties vs Cannington Cannington
April Saturday 1 Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
April Sunday 2 Sunday Pairs 85% Pairs Stableford
April Wednesday 5 Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
April Saturday 8 Dennis Breakwell Trophy 2 our of 3 Stableford
April Sunday 9 Bill Cridge Memorial Day 4 man Scramble
April Wednesday 12 Midweek Bogey 95% Bogey
April Saturday 15 Three Counties vs Folke Vivary Park
April Saturday 15 Avalon Team vs Stockwood Stockwood Vale
April Saturday 15 Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
April Sunday 16 Sunday Pairs 85% Pairs Stableford
April Wednesday 19 Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
April Saturday 22 Three Counties vs CST Cricket St Thomas
April Saturday 22 Eclectic Shield Round 1 95% Medal
April Sunday 23 Avalon Team vs Mendip The Mendip
April Sunday 23 Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
April Wednesday 26 Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
April Saturday 29 PRO AM QUALIFIER 95% Stableford
April Sunday 30 Sunday Medal 95% Medal
Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
May Wednesday  3rd  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford 
May Saturday  6th  Three Counties vs Long Sutton Vivary Park
May Saturday  6th  Saturday Pairs 85% Stableford 
May Sunday  7th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford 
May Wednesday  10th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford 
May Saturday  13th  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford 
May Saturday  13th  Avalon Team vs B&B Burnham & Berrow
May Sunday  14th  PRO AM QUALIFIER 95% Stableford 
May Wednesday  17th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford 
May Saturday  20th  Westbolt Trophy  2 out of 3 Stableford 
May Sunday  21st  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford 
May Wednesday  24th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford 
May Saturday  27th  Spear Cup 95% Stableford 
May Sunday  28th  Three Counties vs Long Sutton Long Sutton 
May Sunday   28th  Sunday Sixes Full- 4 man. 
May Wednesday  31st  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford 
Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
June Saturday  3rd  Stephenson Cup  Greensomes 
June Sunday  4th  Sunday Medal  95% Medal
June Wednesday  7th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford
June Saturday  10th  Avalon Team vs Mendip Vivary Park 
June Saturday  10th  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
June Sunday  11th  Sunday Pairs  85% Stableford
June Wednesday  14th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford
June Friday  16th  PRO AM  TBC
June Saturday  17th  Three Counties vs Folke Folke 
June Saturday  17th  Eclectic Shield Round 2 95% Medal 
June Sunday  18th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
June Sunday  18th  Avalon Team vs Enmore Enmore Park 
June Wednesday  21st  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford
June Saturday  24th  Copley Trophy  4 man Scramble 
June Sunday  25th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
June Wednesday  28th  Midweek Stableford  95% Stableford
Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
July Saturday  1st  Avalon Team vs Worlebury Worlebury 
July Saturday  1st  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
July Sunday  2nd  Sunday Pairs 85% Stableford
July Wednesday  5th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
July Saturday  8th  Pickfords Cup Div 1&2 95% Stableford
July Sunday  9th  Sunday Medal  95% Stableford
July Wednesday  12th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
July Saturday  15th  Hamilton Gault Medal 95% Medal 
July Sunday  16th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
July Wednesday  19th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
July Saturday  22nd  Avalon Team vs Enmore Vivary Park 
July Saturday  22nd  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
July Sunday  23rd  Blackthorn Trophies Div 1&2 Bogey 
July Wednesday  26th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
July Saturday  29th  Avalon Team vs Worlebury Vivary Park 
July Saturday  29th  Saturday  Stableford 95% Stableford
July Sunday   30th  Sullivan Trophy  2 from 3 Stableford
Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
August Wednesday  2nd  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
August Saturday  5th  Potter Cup  50% Foursomes
August Sunday  6th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
August Wednesday  9th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
August Saturday  12th  Avalon Team vs Stockwood Vivary Park 
August Saturday  12th  Three Counties vs Cannington  Vivary Park 
August Saturday  12th  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
August Sunday   13th  French Cup  90% Bogey
August Wednesday  16th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
August Saturday  19th  Three Counties vs CST  Vivary Park 
August Saturday  19th  Avalon Team vs B&B Vivary Park 
August Saturday  19th  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
August Sunday  20th  Club Championship 36 Hole Medal
August Wednesday  24th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
August Saturday  26th  Eclectic Shield Round 3 95% Medal 
August Sunday  27th  Ray Fallon Memorial Day Inviational Pairs
August Wednesday  30th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
Month Day Date Competition/Fixture Format/Venue
September Saturday  2nd  Saturday Stableford 95% Stableford
September Sunday  3rd  Melhuish Cup 95% Medal 
September Wednesday  6th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
September Saturday  9th  Eclectic Shield Round 4 95% Medal 
September Sunday  10th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
September Wednesday  13th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
September Saturday  16th  Parsons Trophy Bogey
September Sunday  17th  Sunday Pairs 85% Pairs
September Wednesday  20th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
September Saturday  23rd  Saturday Pairs 85% Stableford
September Sunday  24th  Sunday Stableford 95% Stableford
September Wednesday  27th  Midweek Stableford 95% Stableford
September Saturday  30th  Saturday Medal 95% Medal