Welcome to Vivary Ladies


  • The Clubhouse belongs to the Golf Club members.
  • The course is owned by the local council and run by Everyone Active.
  • The Ladies Section is part of the main Vivary Golf Club, and all Lady members have equal voting and decision-making rights as all other Club members.
  • The main club AGM takes place in November every year.


Annual membership to Vivary Golf Club should be renewed not later than end of April each year. Your membership fee includes ID with England Golf, free £10 million personal liability insurance and subscription with Somerset Golf Union /Ladies County Golf Association, also providing a free county card giving discounted green fees at other courses in the South-West.


Our Ladies playing days are Wednesday and Friday with block pre booked tee times usually starting at 9.30am We encourage Ladies to use these tee times to play competitions and be able to socialise afterwards together however you may prefer to book a different time through Everyone Active.



All club members are required to have a Worldwide Handicap (WHI) and it is the individuals own responsibility to keep this Handicap as current as possible by entering qualifying cards on a regular basis through the Monthly Medals, Stablefords or General Play cards.

Your WHI is adjusted to provide a ‘Course` Handicap for Vivary and this is calculated for you when entering any Vivary competitions on the club computer. (If you were playing on a different course each would have an adjustment to your WHI).

You may also have a ‘Playing` Handicap adjustment depending on the type of competition you are playing e.g., 95% of your Course Handicap for Medals and Stablefords. This will be calculated when entering a competition via the club computer.


The Fixture List for the season is available electronically so that you can refer to it at any time. We also display the Fixture List on the Ladies noticeboard.


The Monthly Medal is played on the first Wednesday in the month from April through to October and entering these provides you with a qualifying card to retain an appropriate Handicap for all other games.


There are three Board competitions (you will see these boards in the main clubhouse room)

The three board competitions are:

  • Hart Cup/Ladies Club Championship Medal over 36 holes
  • Scudamore/Knockout Cup
  • Macrow Presentation Putter.


Vivary Ladies have a long history of special cups and trophies to play for over the year.

Competitions for our special cups include The Thompson Trophy, Penny Cup, Rabbit Cup and many more. The format or any specific rules for each competition will be provided to you before entering.


You can enter a General Play card at any time as a score that can be used to retain an appropriate Handicap.

Fun and Team games are included in the Fixture List. These cannot be used for Handicap purposes but can provide us with a variety of different games and challenges.

Before playing any competition or General Play card you are required to sign up on the club computer in the entrance of the club house unless an alternative arrangement has been made.


For all competitions you are required to sign in the Ladies journal/competition book and pay the competition fee on the day with cash in envelope or no later than the end of the month by BACS  


Cards can be disqualified if you have not signed in on the computer, your score does not match the computer entry, it is not signed by player or marker, it does not include the date, competition, and your Handicap for the competition.


WhatsApp and emails are the main methods of communication.

Tee times will be allocated each Wednesday and Friday by the Captain through the WhatsApp messaging system.


There is a combination lock at the entrance to the changing room and you will be given this when you join the Section.

There are a limited number of handbag lockers, and these will be allocated when available on payment of a small annual fee.

Full size club lockers can be requested via the Club Treasurer for an annual fee.


The Ladies Committee consists of the following
Lady Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition/Handicap Secretary, Publicity Rep.

The Committee members are to be proposed and seconded by two club members and the notice to be displayed at least two weeks before the Ladies Section AGM, which is held in February every year. 

The Committee meet on a regular basis during the playing season to ensure club activities are working smoothly and key decisions for the Ladies Section are discussed.