Seniors Section Constitution, Rules and Standing Orders.
As accepted by the Membership at March 2022 AGM
1.a The section will be known as “Vivary Golf Club, Seniors Section”
1.b The section will operate within the Rules and Constitution of Vivary Golf Club.
1.c The objective of the section is to promote and encourage competitive but friendly golf, for male Members over the age of 55 years, within all other sections of Vivary Golf Club and other like-minded Golf Clubs in the area. Also, to facilitate other social events and outings during the year.
2.a An AGM will take place annually in March. The Secretary will post notice of the AGM together with an agenda on the Seniors Section Notice Board. Proposals for election to the Committee will also be invited. Such nominations, including those of Members seeking re-election shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
2.b All business within the section will be conducted by a Committee elected at a Senior Section AGM. The Committee will ideally comprise of; a Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, Competitions Secretary, Fixtures Secretary and Ordinary Members to not exceed 8 in total. If these roles cannot be filled the Captain will delegate responsibilities.
The Committee may from time to time co-opt Members onto the Committee to perform specific functions.
2.c Once elected the Committee will meet at least 4 times each year or more if sufficient business merits it. All meetings will be chaired by the Captain and in his absence the Secretary. The Secretary will provide due notice of the meetings and an agenda. A minimum of 4 elected Committee Members can form a quorum. Minutes of the meetings will be kept and include a record of attendance. These minutes will be presented for approval at the next meeting, signed off by the Secretary as a true record and placed into club archive. The archives will be available to all Senior Section Members.
2.d Matters concerning the Senior Section which are discussed outside of meetings via
e-mail shall be copied to the full Committee and presented by the Secretary at the next meeting.
3.a There will be Honorariums available to Committee Members initially agreed at an AGM held in March 2015 (Item 10) and last amended at a “zoomed AGM” in March 2021. Any changes to their value or recipients will be proposed by the Committee and presented to the Membership at an AGM for approval.
3.b The Treasurer will keep accurate records of the Section’s funds and all financial transactions and produce a Statement of Account on a quarterly basis to the Committee and at an AGM.
3.c Section funds will be kept by an FSA approved Bank or Building Society. On dissolution of the Senior Section all remaining monies and assets after debts are cleared, will be transferred to Vivary Golf Club.
3.d Consent of the Committee will be required for purchases in excess of £250.00
3.e All cheques will be signed by the Treasurer or one other approved Committee Member.
3.f The Treasurer will make recommendations to the Committee regarding subscriptions, fees and allotment of competition prizes and on approval of the Committee, these recommendations shall be presented to the Membership at an AGM.
4.a The Constitution and Rules will be available to all Members on request.
4.b Acceptance of Membership of the Senior Section will be deemed acceptance of the Section Rules.
4.c New Members will pay fees on approval of their application. All annual fees become due by 31 st March each year and must be paid by 30 th April. Competition entry fees must be paid before playing.
4.d If, in the opinion of the Committee, a Member acts in a manner considered detrimental to the section, or if a written complaint is made by a Member about the conduct of another Member, or a Member is in contravention of a rule, then that Member may be summoned to appear before the Captain and at least 2 other Committee Members to explain his actions. If the explanation is not deemed acceptable then the Captain shall have the power to deal with the matter in a fair and reasonable matter. A written notice of appeal will be accepted if delivered to the Secretary within 14 days and the appeal will be heard by the full Committee and their decision will be final.
4.e Members are fully responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests at all times.
4.f If a new Member does not have an official handicap, then he will be required to play and submit three cards marked by a fellow Member and his handicap will then be set. Only at this point will he be permitted to take part in section competitions.
5.a Notice of an AGM or EGM will be communicated to Members not less than 21 days prior to the meeting and posted on the Senior Section Notice Board. Any written proposals for presentation at a meeting must be handed to the Secretary at least 14 days prior and will then be included on the agenda for that meeting. The agenda will be posted on the notice board 7 days prior. No proposals will be taken from the floor.
5.b All motions shall be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up Members, and the proposer or seconder must be present at the meeting for the motion to be discussed.
5.c Any amendment to a motion may be taken from the floor, providing that it does not oppose the motion and it has been properly proposed and seconded.
5.d Points of Order must be taken immediately they are raised, and before further discussion takes place. The Chairman’s decision on a point of order is final.
5.e Each fully paid-up Member shall have one vote per motion. A simple majority by a show of hands will carry motions and amendments. The results will be recorded.
5.f On giving his name, a Member may speak only once for a maximum of two minutes on a motion and both the proposer and seconder of the motion shall have the right to respond.
5.g An EGM may be called by Members on presentation of a petition signed by 25% of fully paid-up Members. The Chairman will set the time and venue for the meeting and the Membership will be notified 14 days in advance. No other business will be discussed than that for which the meeting was convened.
5.h The Chairman can, under extraordinary circumstances, waive Standing Orders.
6.a Acceptance of a motion or election of an Officer to the Committee, will follow a simple majority vote by Members present at an AGM or EGM on a show of hands.
An exception will be made where just one Member is nominated to a post un-opposed. He shall be elected without a vote. If no nominations are received for a post, the Chairman may invite proposals from the floor. If the post remains
vacant then it will remain so until a volunteer can be co-opted. Such co-opted Member shall seek re-election at the next AGM.
6.b The Chairman will have a second deciding vote if there is no majority. He will also decide the order of the elections and inform the meeting before the elections begin.
6.c All nominations for the Sections Committee must be with the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM.
6.d Such nominations, including those Members seeking re-election shall specify the position nominated for and must carry the names of the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be paid up Members of the section.
6.e Upon election as Captain, that person will replace the incumbent Chairman and conduct all further business.
6.f A quorum for an AGM or EGM will be 25% of the sections Membership and a record in the form of a signed attendance register shall be kept at all AGMs and EGMs.
6.g All meetings will be conducted in an orderly manner with full regard to Standing Orders. A breach of this rule could lead to expulsion from the meeting.